Python and Quantopian Tools

Reasons to use Python

  • Speed
    • Python is much faster
  • Big Data
    • Python tools for blocked/parallel computing is more well regarded, and older than R alternatives
      • Blaze/Dask
      • pyspark
      • sklearn (partial fit)

Reasons to use Python

  • Packages
    • NLTK
    • Web Scraping
      • beautifulsoup, Scrapy, Selenium
    • Deep Learning
    • Quantopian (other backtesting frameworks)
  • Implement into production (app/software)


  • Python's data science tools are better optimized for speed.
  • Numpy arrays are the building blocks for most of python's data science tools, and numpy arrays are optimized for speed.
  • Pandas provides high-level, easy-to-use, data manipulation tools built off of numpy.

Speed Testing

  • Comparing Python and R using the "Million Songs" dataset
    • Tidyverse vs Pandas/Numpy Aggregate
    • Random Forest in R vs sklearn


  • 438 MB
  • Response is the year of the song release
  • 90 features taken from the audio
  • Added an id column for the purpose of comparing pandas and dplyr performance
In [4]:
(515345, 92)
In [5]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 id
0 2001 49.94357 21.47114 73.07750 8.74861 -17.40628 -13.09905 -25.01202 -12.23257 7.83089 ... -54.40548 58.99367 15.37344 1.11144 -23.08793 68.40795 -1.82223 -27.46348 2.26327 0
1 2001 48.73215 18.42930 70.32679 12.94636 -10.32437 -24.83777 8.76630 -0.92019 18.76548 ... -19.68073 33.04964 42.87836 -9.90378 -32.22788 70.49388 12.04941 58.43453 26.92061 0
2 2001 50.95714 31.85602 55.81851 13.41693 -6.57898 -18.54940 -3.27872 -2.35035 16.07017 ... 26.05866 -50.92779 10.93792 -0.07568 43.20130 -115.00698 -0.05859 39.67068 -0.66345 0
3 2001 48.24750 -1.89837 36.29772 2.58776 0.97170 -26.21683 5.05097 -10.34124 3.55005 ... -171.70734 -16.96705 -46.67617 -12.51516 82.58061 -72.08993 9.90558 199.62971 18.85382 0
4 2001 50.97020 42.20998 67.09964 8.46791 -15.85279 -16.81409 -12.48207 -9.37636 12.63699 ... -55.95724 64.92712 -17.72522 -1.49237 -7.50035 51.76631 7.88713 55.66926 28.74903 0
5 2001 50.54767 0.31568 92.35066 22.38696 -25.51870 -19.04928 20.67345 -5.19943 3.63566 ... -50.69577 26.02574 18.94430 -0.33730 6.09352 35.18381 5.00283 -11.02257 0.02263 0
6 2001 50.57546 33.17843 50.53517 11.55217 -27.24764 -8.78206 -12.04282 -9.53930 28.61811 ... 25.44182 134.62382 21.51982 8.17570 35.46251 11.57736 4.50056 -4.62739 1.40192 1
7 2001 48.26892 8.97526 75.23158 24.04945 -16.02105 -14.09491 8.11871 -1.87566 7.46701 ... -58.46192 -65.56438 46.99856 -4.09602 56.37650 -18.29975 -0.30633 3.98364 -3.72556 1
8 2001 49.75468 33.99581 56.73846 2.89581 -2.92429 -26.44413 1.71392 -0.55644 22.08594 ... 5.20391 -27.75192 17.22100 -0.85210 -15.67150 -26.36257 5.48708 -9.13495 6.08680 1
9 2007 45.17809 46.34234 -40.65357 -2.47909 1.21253 -0.65302 -6.95536 -12.20040 17.02512 ... -87.55285 -70.79677 76.57355 -7.71727 3.26926 -298.49845 11.49326 -89.21804 -15.09719 1

10 rows × 92 columns

Aggregation - Mean

songs %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(mean(., na.rm = TRUE))) %>%

On my system using a single system.time call, execution time of 1.25 seconds.

In [6]:

    .reset_index(drop = True))
884 ms ± 103 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Aggregation - Median

songs %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(median(., na.rm = TRUE))) %>%

Execution time was 497.5 seconds (8 minutes)

In [7]:

    .reset_index(drop = True))
1.2 s ± 61.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Aggregation - Custom

songs %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(sum(. > 0))) %>%

Execution time was 185.8 seconds (2 minutes)

In [8]:
%%timeit -r 3

    .apply(lambda df: (df > 0).sum())
    .reset_index(drop = True))
51 s ± 1.82 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 3 runs, 1 loop each)

Additional gains can be made by converting to numpy, and letting numpy handle the calculations.

In [9]:
def number_positive(df):
    numpy_df = df.values
    numpy_df = numpy_df > 0
    counts = numpy_df.sum(axis = 0)
    pandas_series = pd.Series(counts)
In [10]:
%%timeit -r 3

    .reset_index(drop = True))
14.1 s ± 164 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 3 runs, 1 loop each)

Running a model

What do all good data scientists do when they first want to analyze a dataset?

Blindly run a random forest on it!

In [11]:
songs = songs.groupby("id").mean().reset_index(drop = True)
In [12]:
(85891, 91)

Random Forest

fit <- randomForest(X, y, ntree=10)

Execution time of 525.8 seconds (9 minutes)

In [15]:
X = songs.iloc[:, range(1, 91)]
y = songs[0]

rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=10, n_jobs = 1, max_features = "sqrt", min_samples_leaf = 5)
%timeit -r 3, y)
6.31 s ± 42.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 3 runs, 1 loop each)

Quantopian Tools

  • Alphalens
  • Zipline
  • Pyfolio


Analyzes how predictive a single feature is at predicting stock returns.

The core functionality of alphalens is as follows.

For each day:

  • Split candidate stocks into groups by the feature (quantiles)
  • Calculates 1, 5, and 10 day returns for each group

Then aggregates over all days



  • First quantopian tool
  • Algorithmic trading simulator
  • Used for backtesting a trading strategy/algorithm

Zipline - Reasons to use

  • Well tested and thought out platform
  • Can automatically handle slippage/transaction costs
  • Calculates many important metrics out of the box
    • Beta
    • Measures of variability (Sharpe/Sortino)
  • Integrates with Pyfolio


Pretty tables and plots

Simple example

In [4]:
from zipline import run_algorithm
from zipline.api import symbol, get_datetime, order_target_percent
import pyfolio
import pandas as pd

Our simple strategy is to long Apple on even days of the month, and short it on odd days.

In [2]:
def initialize(context):

def handle_data(context, data):
    day_of_month = get_datetime().day
    if (int(day_of_month) % 2 == 0):
        order_target_percent(symbol("AAPL"), 1)
        order_target_percent(symbol("AAPL"), -1)
In [5]:
result = run_algorithm(start = pd.Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz = "UTC"), 
                       end = pd.Timestamp("2017-06-30", tz = "UTC"), 
                       initialize = initialize, 
                       capital_base = 1000000, 
                       handle_data = handle_data,
                       data_frequency = "daily",
                       bundle = "quantopian-quandl")
In [6]:
2017-01-03 21:00:00+00:00                                                   []
2017-01-04 21:00:00+00:00    [{'cost_basis': 116.01249807190719, 'sid': Equ...
2017-01-05 21:00:00+00:00    [{'cost_basis': 116.62499919342616, 'sid': Equ...
2017-01-06 21:00:00+00:00    [{'cost_basis': 117.89491918697846, 'sid': Equ...
2017-01-09 21:00:00+00:00    [{'cost_basis': 119.00500307449789, 'sid': Equ...
Name: positions, dtype: object
In [8]:
2017-01-03 21:00:00+00:00           1,000,000.00
2017-01-04 21:00:00+00:00           1,998,751.60
2017-01-05 21:00:00+00:00             -10,218.20
2017-01-06 21:00:00+00:00           2,011,573.81
2017-01-09 21:00:00+00:00             -18,523.59
Name: ending_cash, dtype: float64
In [9]:
pf_data = pyfolio.utils.extract_rets_pos_txn_from_zipline(result)
Entire data start date: 2017-01-03
Entire data end date: 2017-06-30
Backtest months: 5
Annual return 18.0%
Cumulative returns 8.5%
Annual volatility 17.2%
Sharpe ratio 1.04
Calmar ratio 1.79
Stability 0.64
Max drawdown -10.0%
Omega ratio 1.23
Sortino ratio 1.89
Skew 1.70
Kurtosis 8.05
Tail ratio 0.97
Daily value at risk -2.1%
Gross leverage 1.00
Daily turnover 94.1%
Alpha 0.29
Beta -0.59
Worst drawdown periods Net drawdown in % Peak date Valley date Recovery date Duration
0 10.04 2017-06-09 2017-06-26 NaT NaN
1 5.55 2017-02-06 2017-03-15 2017-03-28 37
2 4.59 2017-04-24 2017-05-05 2017-05-17 18
3 2.68 2017-05-23 2017-06-02 2017-06-09 14
4 2.56 2017-01-06 2017-01-30 2017-02-01 19
Stress Events mean min max
New Normal 0.07% -2.87% 6.06%
Top 10 long positions of all time max
AAPL 105.89%
Top 10 short positions of all time max
AAPL -103.01%
Top 10 positions of all time max
AAPL 105.89%
All positions ever held max
AAPL 105.89%

Vardon Backtest

In [10]:
def initialize(context):
    context.transactions = picks
    z.set_commission(f.commission.PerShare(cost=0, min_trade_cost=0))
    # Scheduling function to run one minute before close will result in it executing at close
    z.schedule_function(func = order_stocks, time_rule = z.time_rules.market_close(minutes = 1), 

def order_stocks(context, data):
    # Get date that zipline is on in the backtest
    current_date = (z.get_datetime()
    transactions = context.transactions.loc[current_date]
    # Place order for each transaction
    for row in transactions.itertuples(index=True, name='Pandas'):
        z.order(z.symbol(row[1]), row[2])